They just couldn’t wait. And who says they had to? While the official Thanksgiving holiday is next week, Turkey Day at the Currier Memorial School (CMS) was celebrated more than a week early on Tuesday, November 19th. Siblings, friends, parents, grandparents, and staff sat down together to share turkey, stuffing and all the fixings. Most important, maybe even more than the dessert, was to give thanks for their bounty of family and friendships.
With a nod toward the first Thanksgiving some 400 years ago, students earlier in the semester had studied the pottery of Native Americans in art class. Influenced by what they had seen, the students created colorful pottery bowls and glazed turtles that served as table centerpieces for the Thanksgiving Feast.
The Currier students also assembled a colorful display of cut-out turkeys on the school bulletin board. Each student listed something on a turkey that said what “CMS Cougars are Thankful For.” A few examples include: “Family and friends” -- “My future dog” -- “Cake, cupcakes, and kittens.”
And now everyone in the Currier Community can rest up for the big event on Thursday, November 28th. Happy Thanksgiving!
(Photo above: These Currier Pre-K students relish their first Thanksgiving Lunch at their school.)
Currier students and families line up for turkey, dressing and all the fixins' at the Thanksgiving Lunch.
Friends enjoy a holiday meal together at the Currier Thanksgiving Lunch.
Currier instructor Tyler Truax (right) joins students and their families at the Currier Thanksgiving Lunch.
Current students created colorful pottery bowls and turtles to be used as table centerpieces at the Thanksgiving Lunch.